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11 Unique Features For Effective Project Procurement

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Capture Prices Till 5th Item Sub-level

BOM based project buys requiring prices till 5th level item hierarchy can be captured by mjPRO, unlike other software. This price visibility at multiple levels enables effective negotiations and keeps a check on the budget.

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Handle 100s Of UMCs In 1 RFQ

mjPRO supports 1000 line items in 1 RFQ, unlike any other procurement tools. This facilitates proper evaluation of TurnKey & Non-TurnKey packages

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Cost & Quality Based Evaluations (QCBS)

Project Buys being big ticket buys, requires due diligence on both price & technical parameters. Unlike most of the other leading software, QCBS templates of mjPRO facilitates system driven evaluation of suppliers on both price and technical parameters

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Configure Any Number Of Bid Templates

The SMART template feature in mjPRO is unique. Users can easily use in-built ready templates from our extensive RFQ library and can also configure or customize same, easily from front-end.

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Facilitate Item Wise Vendor Wise Multi Currency Bidding

Project buys can have global RFQs with suppliers quoting in their preferred currencies. While this is possible in all platforms, what makes mjPRO unique is, multi currency bidding possible not only at a RFQ level, but at an item level. This ensure appropriate evaluation of supply, erection & commissioning packages in a single RFQ

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Quoting Additional Items By Suppliers

Suppliers can propose auxillary or additional items beyond the mentioned RFQ items. This collaborative buying feature helps save time and iterations, reducing project delays.

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Rich & Dynamic Workflow Approvals

Configure DoP based workflow approvals or create your own sequential, parallel or committee approval. In addition, the final approver can advance the workflow to the next level, as deemed fit. mjPRO’s dynamic workflow hierarchy handles this at ease

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Create RFQs With Or Without Item Codes

Project mostly has 1st time buys. mjPRO, unlike any other platform, does not need an item code to create RFQ. Unlock time spent in documentation & proceed for vendor bids.

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Create RFQs With Or Without PRs

mjPRO has the capability to create RFPs with or without PRs / Indents. This helps in procurement of under-finalization requirements, with or without budget allocation.

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Track Budgets In mjPRO

In-built budget module with its “Work Breakdown Structure” (WBS) links, tracks, monitors and reports variances from budgetary costs on a line item / package / sub-package / project basis.

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Discussion/Communication Rooms

Real-time communication with all stakeholders of project i.e suppliers / contractors, procurement, project, finance etc which are linked with the RFQ & PO for proper retrieval.
All communications in one place reduces time spent in extracting messages, prevents fraudulences & improves governance & compliance. These rooms can be private as well as public, something which makes this feature specific to mjPRO only.

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